Meet Kathryn

It was August 2018, and I was living in Sydney after taking a couple of years out to see the world. I had planned to go back home to the UK for Christmas and my brother (who lives in Melbourne) was coming home too, and we were all so excited. I remember I was on the phone to my Mum and said ‘we should all get matching pyjamas!' But the problem was, I didn’t know where I could get them from! And, that’s when My Christmas Pyjamas was born.
I worked day and night trying to find patterns and prints that I loved, and soon became obsessed with the idea of the whole family in matching pyjamas, at the most magical time of the year! I love Christmas and always have, so this was the perfect business for me. Six weeks later, we went live! The following year, I brought out a matching range for pets, as I wanted to get furry friends included in the Christmas fun... They are part of the family too, right?
We are now in our sixth year of business and busier than ever. I’m back living in the UK, and have now expanded to a fulfilment centre - which is really exciting (as my Mum and I couldn't manage sending out all of the orders on our own anymore)!
In 2022, you may have seen me on primetime BBC show, The Apprentice! And, if you followed my journey, you will know that I made it to the final, after battling my way through 12 tough weeks of challenges to become Lord Sugar's business partner. Unfortunately, I didn't win Lord Sugar's investment, however I still launched our sister company, Pyjamily (check us out - they would make a FAB Christmas pressie for loved ones)!
I absolutely love what I do, and my put my heart and soul in to this company to bring you the best Christmas jammies that I can. Every order that comes through really means the world to me and I still do a little happy dance (yes, that really is a thing for a small business)! It also fills me with so much joy seeing customers come through that have ordered every year since I opened - it makes me smile every time!
I hope you find your perfect Christmas jammies here at My Christmas Pyjamas, and please don't hesitate to drop us an email if you have any questions!
I hope you have a magical Christmas.
With love, Kathryn xx